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durumis AI News Japan

The Decline of the Liberal Democratic Party in Local Areas and the Falseness of Its One-Party System - An Examination Through an Analysis of the Change in Public Support for Successive Cabinets

  • Writing language: Korean
  • Base country: Japan country-flag

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan enjoyed overwhelming support in the 1980s, but its approval ratings plummeted due to the collapse of the bubble economy and neoliberal policies in the 1990s.
  • Disillusionment with the LDP has particularly grown among younger generations and in urban areas. While the LDP still holds a majority in the House, it no longer enjoys the same level of strong support it once did.
  • Rural areas are struggling with declining populations and the disintegration of communities, leading to criticism that the LDP's dominance is a sham.

In Japan in the 1980s, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) enjoyed overwhelming nationwide support. At the time, the LDP's vote share was over 90%, and it was particularly supported by nearly all voters in rural areas. This was because the LDP had brought prosperity to the countryside through post-war economic recovery, agricultural technological advancements, and infrastructure development. The trust of local residents in the LDP was strong.

However, this situation began to change rapidly with the bursting of the bubble economy in the 1990s. At the time, the government pursued neoliberal policies such as flexible employment and a reduction in workers' rights to protect large corporations and conglomerates. Young generations and workers were left in a precarious environment and became disillusioned with the existing two-party system. As a result, the LDP's support significantly declined, particularly in cities and among young people.

Since the 1990s, the LDP's support has continued to decline. In the 2022 House of Councillors election, the LDP's nationwide vote share was only 30%. However, despite this figure, the LDP still holds an overwhelming number of seats. This is because the single-seat constituency system has resulted in a majority of seats being won by high levels of support in certain regions.

Looking at the countryside, there is still a high level of support for the LDP. However, this is not the same strong support as in the past, but simply a continuation of tradition and relationships. In reality, the decline in population and the breakdown of communities in rural areas are being accelerated by the LDP's policies.

The reasons for the decline in LDP support lie in the post-1990s party realignment and political distrust, coupled with the economic recession caused by the bursting of the bubble and neoliberal policies. There has been a large-scale exodus of young people and urban dwellers, and the effects of this continue to this day. Therefore, the LDP's current ruling system is a sham. If the opposition parties fight properly in the future, they could easily overcome the LDP.

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