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durumis AI News Japan

Japanese Government Reconsiders Information Sharing Regarding US Military Sexual Assault Cases... Provides Information to Okinawa Prefecture

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The information sharing regarding sexual assault cases committed by US military personnel will be reconsidered, and in the future, Okinawa Prefecture will be provided with information within possible limits, even for cases that the police do not release.
  • The Governor of Okinawa Prefecture positively assessed the change in information sharing methods, and the Okinawa Prefectural Police will provide information when arresting or referring a case to the prosecution.
  • Meanwhile, the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rengo) continues to actively call for the fundamental review of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) and the reduction or closure of US military bases in Japan to resolve the issue of US military bases.

The Japanese government has reviewed its information sharing system after it was revealed that information about a sexual assault case committed by a US soldier was not shared with Okinawa Prefecture. Since last year, five cases have not been passed on to Okinawa, including two cases in December 2022 and May 2023, where the information was stuck at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not disclose the information, following the police who did not disclose it either, considering the victim's privacy. However, the government decided to change its policy from May 5th, and will now share information with Okinawa Prefecture within a possible range even if the police do not release it.

"The information will be provided to the relevant local government after the case has been properly handled by the investigative authorities," said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi. The information will be shared from the investigative authorities to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then to the Ministry of Defense, and finally to Okinawa Prefecture.

Okinawa Governor Denny Tamaki, who had directly protested to the government, arguing that the public in Okinawa Prefecture could not be alerted, welcomed the announcement. He said, "I believe that the review of information sharing operations is a step forward."

The Okinawa Prefectural Police, which had not shared the same information, also came up with an improvement plan. Governor Tamaki said, "I was informed by the Okinawa Prefectural Police Chief that they will provide information to Okinawa Prefecture when an arrest or indictment is made." The Okinawa Prefectural Police will provide information when the suspect is arrested or indicted. Governor Tamaki said, "Through close consultation with the Okinawa Prefectural Police, we will be able to inform the public of any matters that need to be alerted to the public and demand a strong establishment of discipline from the US side."

Meanwhile, the Japanese Trade Union Confederation (Rengo) is actively working to solve the issue of US military bases in Japan, demanding the reduction and consolidation of US military bases in Japan and a fundamental review of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA).

There are over 130 US military facilities, including military bases, across Japan. Most US military bases in Japan, such as Yokota Base (Tokyo), Atsugi Base (Kanagawa), and Futenma Base (Okinawa), are located near densely populated areas, causing serious problems such as noise and accidents.

Rengo, along with 15 prefectural federations with major US military bases and the All-US Forces Labor Union (Zenchuryo), which is comprised of workers at US military bases, has been conducting a review since 2003. On January 16, 2004, they decided to "demand a fundamental review of the Status of Forces Agreement."

Rengo has set a goal of "simply protecting Japan's sovereignty and laws," and has proposed a review that includes three key points of "safety," "environment," and "rights," and five items: "clarification of participation of relevant local governments," "clarification of environmental protection (responsibility of the person responsible for contamination within the base, obligation to restore the original state)," "clarification of employment, labor conditions, and rights relations," "jurisdiction, civil claims (damage compensation)," and "compliance with domestic law and equal application."

Rengo is continuing its activities, recognizing that the problems of the Status of Forces Agreement cannot be ignored. In particular, Okinawa Prefecture, although accounting for only 0.6% of Japan's total land area, concentrates 70% of US military exclusive facilities. Incidents and accidents involving US military personnel have been routinely threatening the lives, human rights, and property of the residents.

In 2012, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Okinawa's return to Japan, Rengo conducted a signature campaign demanding "a fundamental review of the Status of Forces Agreement, reduction and consolidation of US military bases in Japan, and a reduction in the burden on Okinawa," gathering 4,755 signatures.

Rengo plans to continue its activities to solve the issue of US military bases in Japan.

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