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durumis AI News Japan

Urban Redevelopment in Japan and the Transformation of Public Spaces: The Role of Private Capital and the Need for Balanced Urban Planning

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Summarized by durumis AI

  • The commercialization of parks in urban redevelopment is intensifying the conflict between publicness and commercialism.
  • Nampool Bassett Park and Miyashita Park, both parks in Tokyo, have become commercialized and integrated with commercial facilities, sparking controversy about the original function and value of the parks.
  • Experts emphasize the need for a wiser urban plan that balances publicness and commercialism, rather than completely eliminating commercialization of public spaces.

In many areas around major cities today, redevelopment is taking place actively, and public spaces such as parks are also undergoing changes. This phenomenon is particularly evident in Tokyo, Japan, with notable examples being Nampoolbasset (南池袋) Park and Miyashita Park (MIYASHITA PARK).

These parks expose a constant conflict between public and private domains, sparking debates about the "commercialization of public spaces." Does private capital play a positive role in revitalizing parks and injecting vibrancy into cities? Or does it undermine the intrinsic value and purpose of public spaces?

Nampoolbasset Park used to be a place where many homeless people gathered. However, with redevelopment, the homeless were driven out, and in their place, stylish cafes and restaurants have emerged. As commercial facilities have entered the park, it has become a new landmark, but at the same time, the park's original public nature and value as an open space for all have faded.

Miyashita Park is a park built atop a commercial complex directly connected to Shibuya Station. You can go directly from the indoor shopping mall to the park, which features a variety of facilities such as a lawn, benches, and restaurants. Miyashita Park is a popular new tourist attraction, but some argue that it is less of a park and more of a part of a commercial complex.

Thus, the emergence of commercial facilities in urban parks has sparked ongoing debates about the original functions and values of parks. While some argue that private capital brings vibrancy to parks, revitalizing them and making them popular destinations, others criticize that commercialized parks erode existing public values.

Especially, the introduction of so-called "hostile architecture" techniques to exclude certain groups, such as homeless people, youth, and skateboarders, from parks raises concerns about the restricted accessibility and openness of public spaces for all. This has been met with criticism for undermining the diversity and inclusivity of the city.

Such controversies surrounding the commercialization of public spaces, including parks, are intensifying. While private capital offers a positive aspect of injecting new vitality, the negative aspects of undermining public values, exclusion, and the loss of urban identity are equally significant.

Experts agree that in future urban development and redevelopment, rather than completely eliminating the commercialization of public spaces, it is crucial to achieve a balance between public and commercial interests through wise urban planning. They also emphasize that inclusive designs are essential to guarantee access and use of public spaces for everyone.

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